On the blog…

Holding Space for All during Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, a holiday filled with parades, family, football, and food for many. However, for others the day could be difficult. As a country, we are still facing tough times and our celebrations may look quite different than they did pre-pandemic. There’s many who struggle at this time of year. Let’s discuss some of these groups and ways you can support them during this time. Keep in mind that these groups aren’t just at your holidays’ celebration, many of them could be a part of your social media following, especially as a business.

How to appropriately honor 9/11 on social media
This year will mark the 20th anniversary of the tragic 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. As we approach 9/11, a nationally recognized day of remembrance and reverence, I wanted to share with you some thoughts on how to appropriately honor the day on social media.

The Importance of Authenticity During Pride Month
…When it comes to brands and pride, I have some thoughts…
Pride month has always felt like a weird gratuity to me and when brands do pride posts, that also feels like a gratuity. In 100% honesty, any pride post from a brand that’s selling something feels gross. Gratuities are thrown out like candy in order to get a wider demographic’s money. In a way, it makes more separation. It says “this is your box and we are highlighting it this month because we’ll get in trouble in the comments if we don’t.” It all feels incredibly inauthentic, no matter how much production went into it…

On and Off Social: Supporting Asian and Pacific Islander Communities
This year, we’ve all watched as hate crimes and racism towards the Asian and Pacific Islander community escalated. And with the increase of these shocking events, social media posts followed, even if the mainstream media largely remained silent. It’s clear which accounts take Socially Conscious Social seriously and those that miss the big picture. Today, we’re taking a look at how brands are speaking out and what to consider when supporting the Asian Pacific Islander (API) community on social media.

The Future is Female
The Future is Female ✨ In honor of #WomensHistoryMonth, today #OnTheBlog, we are celebrating the strength and fortitude that women have shown, especially through the hardships of this past year. We're also sharing some incredible changemakers who have given hope to future generations of women around the world.

How To Make Valentine’s Day More Inclusive
Today, inclusivity is a must while promoting holidays like Valentine’s Day, even though that has not always been a priority for brands. Today #OnTheBlog, we are sharing how you and your purpose-driven brand can make Valentine’s Day inclusive to all.